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Saime Zilyas


  • Insurance training for product creation and commercialisation

  • Business creation, management and growth through Solvay

  • Formation of creation of telecommunications through Multitel/Mons

  • Training in marketing and social media management


  • Creation and formation of multiple MVNO (Mobile virtual network operator)

  • Development and management of distribution networks

  • Conception and management of first ethnic telecommunications network in Belgium

  • Translator for Istanbul Courts and Belgian Courts

For many years my clients have benefited from my professional consulting services. As a leading business consultant based in Istanbul, I’ve guided clients through important decisions and changes. At Start Invest, I’ve managed to transform the lives of my clients through a number of services catered to suit their specific needs. I hope to assist in your professional and business matters so we can succeed together.

"Experience around the world has enabled me to share my knowledge to my clients."

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